Jonathan House were visited by a CQC inspector in February 2020 to conduct an inspection.
The CQC inspection review services asking 5 key questions; Is the service safe? Effective? Caring? Responsive? Well-led? They then produce a rating for the service in each area as well as an overall rating.
The inspector awarded Jonathan House a rating of good overall but gave a rating of outstanding for the responsive area. This is fabulous news!
The report says “At the last inspection this key question was rated as good. At this inspection this key question has now improved to outstanding. This meant services were tailored to meet the needs of individuals and delivered to ensure flexibility, choice and continuity of care.”
This means that the CQC inspector could see that the people who live at Jonathan House are supported by the service to engage in activities that are personalised and meet their individual interests, staff understand and support people to have personalised support plans in place, people are supported to communicate and really have their voice heard, people are hugely active in their communities, and the service actively looks for feedback from people who live there.
Some quotes from the report are:
“Relatives told us, "The staff have been fantastic. They've done everything they could, really gone over and above," and a professional said staff were, "Brilliant. Better than ever in the last few months, they're really motivated."
“People met with their keyworker consistently each month to discuss their support needs, care plans and future goals and were involved in decisions about their care. This empowered people to take control of their lives. One person said, "I do it all myself. The staff do help, but I can do it." Care plans and records were followed and were updated after these meetings or as needs changed. This meant people's care was highly personalised and consistently responsive to their needs.”
“Staff spoke positively about the culture of the service and the staff team. One staff member described the service as, "A little pot of gold," and another said, "This is probably the best team I've ever worked with."
“There was a very strong emphasis on improving care and learning at Jonathan House. The registered manager and the team had taken time to clearly record good news stories and explored services which were rated as 'outstanding' in order to learn and improve. The registered manager said, "We don't ever sit on our laurels, we always want to know how we can continue to improve."
It goes without saying that everyone in Freeways is hugely proud of this result and we want to say a massive well done to the manager and staff team at Jonathan House for achieving this outstanding result. We hope that this inspires other services in Freeways to learn and grow and continue to strive for the very best outcomes for the people they support.