All service users have an assessment by a social worker or social care practitioner to identify their eligible needs under the Care Act 2014. This determines the type of support and accommodation the person requires. A residential placement is funded by a mixture of local authority funding and a contribution from the service user which is assessed using the criteria determined as part of the Care Act 2014. Normally the service user contribution is received as part of their benefits but could also be from any savings.
There are a number of different funding streams that support people living in their own home:
Housing Benefit – pays for the rent and eligible parts of any service charge. People can apply for housing benefit prior to moving in but they will not receive it until they move in and give a copy of their signed tenancy agreement. Our staff can support people to apply for this benefit.
Housing Related Support – Freeways has some supported living accommodation in Bristol and South Gloucestershire with supporting people funding attached to it. Normally if people are eligible for housing benefit they are automatically eligible for supporting people funding. This provides for a maximum number of hours of support to help someone maintain their tenancy.
Social Care / Personal Care – The local authority funding the placement will need to complete a Care Act Assessment in order to identify the level of support an individual requires. The local authority will then complete an assessment to identify their savings, income including benefits to understand how much the individual should pay and how much the local authority will pay for the care. Normally the local authority will send an invoice to the individual to cover their care and support charges.
Most people receive funding from the local authority to cover their community or building based support. This is usually social care or supporting people funding. Normally the funding authority will complete an assessment and will identify the needs.
Individual Budget – some people, or their families, can receive a budget and choose how the money is spent in order to meet the needs or outcomes in their assessment. The individual then has a contract directly with the provider.
Social Care – this is when the local authority manages the money and contracts with the support provider.
Supporting People Fund – We work with VirginCare in Bath and North East Somerset to support people with a learning disability and physical or sensory impairments to maintain their tenancy and independence. People apply for services via the gateway and the service will assess whether you meet the criteria for funding and services
People can fund these privately, as part of their individual budget or via health funding. Some insurance companies also fund hydrotherapy as part of a rehabilitation or other programme.
There are also some grant funding opportunities available through some charities. If you want to know more, please contact the hydrotherapy pool staff for further information.
For more information about any of our services please contact us.