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Coronavirus / Covid-19 – our response

With the situation regarding Coronavirus / Covid -19 remaining very fluid, we continue to monitor updates from the government on a daily basis.

We are committed to protecting people we support during this time and have developed continuity plans to ensure the support we provide isn’t compromised, even in a pandemic. 

We are continually monitoring and adapting our plans as more updates become available from the Government and Public Health England.

Public Health England has also provided guidance to residential care, supported living and home care settings, which we will continue to monitor closely.
Our Senior Management team are having a daily conference to discuss all changes in the situation and agree any new actions that we will take. Following those discussions, all staff are being provided with comprehensive briefing, which summarise the latest advice from government and other official sources.

If you need more information:

  • If you are someone we support, please speak to your Service Manager or Assistant Manager. 
  • If you are someone closely connected to someone we support, please contact your Service Manager who will be up to date through our staff briefings. 
  • If you are a candidate who has applied or going through the recruitment process, please contact the recruitment team for an update on your application.
  • If you cannot reach your usual contact please use the contact form on the our website.
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